Sunday 9 May 2010

Happy Mothers' Day!

If it's Mothers' Day where you are today, have a great day!

I made a ruffled summer scarf for H's mum, using this tutorial on MADE. Did I get it done in 30 minutes, as Dana did? No, of course not, it probably took me that long just to cut the fabric. I did get it done in one nap-time though, which is pretty good going around here. Actually K woke up just before I finished, and was keen to help. He had his first sewing machine experience, sitting on my lap and trying to push the fabric under the foot...

If you're looking at the photo above and thinking 'Wow, H's mum must have a really small neck...', then no, that is not the finished scarf. Having insisted that H Hurry Up And Get That Present Wrapped, I then realised that I'd forgotten to take a picture of it. That'll teach me. So what you've got there is a bit that I cut off when things went wrong...

Actually I just ran out of elastic thread on the bobbin when I'd almost finished. I was too lazy to unpick it all and do it again, and it was plenty long enough already, so I just cut off the last bit and re-hemmed it a bit shorter. In the end I liked the look of that end of the scarf better, so then I went and re-hemmed the other side too! For the full effect, you'll have to imagine that bit of fabric twice as ruffly and much, much longer...

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