Tuesday 9 April 2013

Back to school

K started back at kindergarten this week for the new school year, after a 2 week break. He's one of the 'big boys' now, in the last year before elementary school. The classes get shuffled each year, so he has a lot of new classmates plus a few who were the same as last year. The teachers also change classes each year, and K was surprised to learn that his teacher this year will be... the same as last year! She's lovely, so everyone's happy about that.

During K's spring holiday my schedule was virtually the same as usual, H was at work of course and even T had his usual swimming/nursery/play centre commitments. Still, we did manage to fit in a bit of fun here and there...

The new, if tiny, sand pit was popular and will do until I get around to building a bigger one

The now-traditional trip to Toy Kingdom...

...now enjoyed to the full by both little monkeys.

A little picnic under the cherry blossoms

The 'cardboard funfair' - can you name that blur?

A day at the park...

...where T was determined to keep up with K
And of course there was also a lot of indoor tent-building, Octonaut-watching, puzzle-making, sibling-teasing, book-reading and general riot-running at home. So, not much different from term-time really...

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